Monday, October 27, 2014

Fighting Fear with Failure

Hello loves!!!
I've been wrestling for weeks and I finally must process this outside of my brain.

The only people who overcome their fears are those who are willing to fail. 

You can't demand perfection of yourself. You can't expect to know everything. You can't wait until you do know everything. You just have to try, attempt, step out, DO SOMETHING and begin to put your dreams in motion. It is the only way of accomplishing anything.

I have, for far too long, talked, dreamed, brainstormed, wished and fancied a career in writing. I want to share whatever small knowledge I have in my world with anyone that it might possibly help. I have been trapped, however, in a little cage of fear. Fear that it won't help anyone and fear that no one will care.

I've been a big scaredy-cat. I've been wishing I could be someone that I already am if I would just do what I am capable of doing.

It's the same for YOU. You already know the goal... you've been thinking about it since you saw the word "fear" in the headline. It's right there...and you have what it takes to reach it.

Start small. Take risks. When we think about risks our first thought is usually financial, but usually that isn't even a factor. Unless you are literally starting your own small business (way to go, by the way!!) most risks involved in facing our fears are actually mental and emotional. I'll let you in on a secret though. It's the key to protecting your emotions and not getting hurt on your road to success. You just have to know one thing.

You're are going to fail.

There. Process it now. Feel it. Let yourself cry for a moment. Failure is a fantastic key in the process of success. Maybe 'fantastic' is a strong word, but it's necessary. You need to grow, develop, and stretch out those wings. You have to hit a few roadblocks to get going in the right direction. The average novel writer pushes out 4-13 drafts before a Final Draft is formed. That is a lot of failures and red ink before getting approval from someone else. You have to know that you won't be producing rainbows and unicorns your first try. Maybe you will. Maybe you will be the random person who just does it perfectly the first time. In that case you don't need me and you may feel free to move on. For the rest of us Average Joes we are going to have a lot of rough drafts before we find success in whatever form you see that as.

It's what you DO with your failure that determines your outcome. Learn from it. Dissect it. Find out why it didn't work and change. 

You are choosing to jump off the cliff, knowing you're going to hit a few rocks on the way down before you learn to fly. <--- cheesy metaphor insert. That's just the way it works.

I'm calling you out on your fear. Face it and embrace it. Behind fear is usually where our deepest passions lie. The only way to fight it is to try. 

I'm hitting it head on from now on. What about you? What do you fear most and what are you going to do about it? 

I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!! 



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