Saturday, September 6, 2014

30 Day Results and Review

I can't believe I'm writing this: 30 days in the bag. Actually I'm a week behind in writing this so I'm a week into the new schedule BUT I'm crazy busy so you're hearing about it now. I just have to say that it seemed to go by fast! Which just really hammers in that quote I saw the other day "The time is going to pass anyways, you might as well DO something with it." Love it. My life is crazy busy with a baby, work, husband, coaching, and life in general. It's going to go by fast so I might as well get fit while it's happening. It's 30 minutes and I can make time for that. Even earlier this week I had slept in, put in a full day at work, made dinner, put Bubby to bed, and had settled down to hang out with the Hubby to watch a documentary on Unions (yeah, we're weird like that). All of the sudden I realized I hadn't worked out that day. The whole day had just flew by me and I'd completely forgot. I also remembered it was YogaX. Old me: oops, well try again tomorrow... plus it's yoga which is basically not working out anyways, right? (not that I would know because I always skipped the yoga dvds anyways). Not anymore!!! New me: Crap! I forgot to workout! Sorry, babe, I'm going to go push play and I'll be back in 30 min. Oh, it's Yoga? Sweet, I could use some balance after a day like today. THAT is what we call Life Transformation. I'm changing the way my mind reacts towards fitness which will eventually change my body. It's amazing.

So here's a gander at my before and after picture for just the 30 days. Explanation: 1st picture my husband was available to take it. 2nd picture he was still sleeping and the only full length mirror in the house oddly enough is in Bubby's nursery. So it's not as clear but you have a great view of her adorable room. 

Sweet, huh?? I wasn't sure there was much change before I took the photo. I knew one of my pants seemed a little bit bigger but not that much. The picture really shows it. 
Then I took my measurements. I lost 5lbs, 1" off my waist, and 2" off my hips. 
Holy Inches!!!! That is incredible! I'm so excited. I went from being able to do 5 normal pushups before switching to knee-style, to now I can do about 12 before switching!!!! My core is stronger, I can hold poses longer, and I can actually do more poses which means I'm getting more flexible! I still hate cardio but I don't think that will ever change. HA

So that's my 30 days in results! I still have 60 to go which is mind blowing what those results will be!! I'm so jacked to see my 90 day picture! 

What are your goals? Where do you want to be in 30, 60, even 90 days!?! 
Hit me up at   or email me at
I'd love to help or get you plugged into one of my Challenges! 

1 comment:

  1. I truly can't believe the difference. You look great! I hope my results are that goo.


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