Monday, August 11, 2014

P90x3 Week 1 Review

I made it! Week 1 finished! It wasn't so hard that I wanted to die and quit but I had my butt handed to me by Tony every single day. I loved it. The workouts were very calculated so I didn't feel any of the 30 minutes were wasted. There were rests just when I needed them and I was always just sore enough the next day to know I did some real work. Let's take a gander, shall we?

Monday/Day 1/ Total Synergistics
   Very creative moves. I wasn't bored at all, in fact most of the moves were new to me. There is a little bit of chin-ups, push-ups, squats in new positions, and resistance training. It wasn't as "fast-paced" as some of the workouts, but the focus isn't on cardio so that made sense.

Tuesday/Day 2/ Agility X
   Ok if we're being super honest I didn't like this workout. It's not that it wasn't challenging or different, it was both.... but personal preference I'm not a fan of jumping. The point of P90x3 (and all the p90x series) is to give you well rounded workouts that increase your physical abilities in all areas of fitness. This is jumping. Quick movements. Speed. You tape the ground and use it as reference points throughout the workout. It was still a great workout, I was sweating by the end of it, and it's only 30 minutes. I can do anything for 30 minutes.

Wednesday/Day3/ X3 Yoga
   Yoga is a great day to have a workout buddy. My sister stopped by and I didn't really give her a choice. I put my daughter to bed and told my sister where my workout clothes were located. We pushed play. We laughed a lot. We discovered yoga is hard, we're both not very flexible, and there's a joke in every pose. My husband could hear us laughing, yelling, and falling over. A lot. Great video for a buddy. Great active rest day.

Thursday/Day 4/ The Challenge
   Do you like pushups? Do you like pull-ups? Great because you're going to do them back to back for 30 minutes. It was an excellent workout. Remember that I'm a stylist during the day? Yeah, I could barely lift my arms at work. One of my goals in P90x3 is to kick girl pushups to the curb, so I'm excited to see myself get stronger and stronger with this one!

Friday/Day 5/ CVX
  Welcome to your Cardio session for the week. Except I usually hate cardio and I LOVED this. Cardio with weights?!?! Yes, please!! Cardio without tons of jumping? Even better. I'm actually looking forward to doing this again this week.

Saturday/Day6/ The Warrior
   Sir, yes Sir! This was a salute to the military. Tony came up with this one for soldiers who needed a workout they could do anywhere. No equipment needed. This will be great when I'm downstate or on vacation. I came upstairs after doing this and told my husband, "That was defnitely my favorite so far."

Sunday/Day 7/ Dynamix
    Another great active recovery workout, but I still felt like I was accomplishing something. In this one you're working on flexability and stability, both things that I really need work on.

Overall I'm jacked on this program. The 30 minutes make it completely doable, even on the days that I don't quite get up at 5am. Tony's funny, but not over the top (like in p90x where I wanted to mute him the whole time) and the "backup dancers" are great inspiration and motivation. I always want to push to be just a little better than them. There are modifications on just about every move, especially the more difficult ones. For any of you that have completed any of the Beachbody programs before I really think p90x3 is a great way to take your fitness to the next level. I'm so excited to reach my 90 days!!!!

If you have any questions about the workouts or about Beachbody programs in general, shoot me an email @  or comment below!



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